Emacs Chat: Conversations about an awesome text editor
The Emacs community has a lot of amazing people, although we rarely get to meet face to face. It’s great to get a sense of what people are like, so here are some casual chats with other Emacs geeks. =) Want to talk about Emacs? I’d love to hear from you!
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Emacs chats
Getting to know people who use Emacs
- Avdi Grimm (Org-mode, Ruby, etc.)
- Bastien Guerry
- Bozhidar Batsov - Prelude
- Carsten Dominik
- Christopher Wellons - foreign function interface, skewer, impatient-mode
- Harry R. Schwartz - EmacsNYC, organizing your configuration, pair programming
- Iannis Zannos – Emacs and SuperCollider
- Jānis Mancēvičs
- John Wiegley
- Karl Voit - lifelogging with Memacs, Lazyblorg, Yasnippet, Org Mode
- Magnar Sveen (Emacs Rocks)
- Mickey Petersen (Mastering Emacs)
- Phil Hagelberg (technomancy) - Clojure, Leiningen, Syme (for pair programming), custom keyboards, etc.
- Sacha Chua
- Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson
- Tom Marble
- Xah Lee
You can find this site at http://emacslife.com/emacs-chats . Source: http://github.com/sachac/emacs-chats - patches and pull requests much appreciated.
Have a story to share about how you got started with Emacs and what you use it for? Please contact me at sacha@sachachua.com . Newbies welcome!